SX1302 Gateway connect with TTN

Hi There,

If possible SX1302 gateway connect with TTN using TTN directly, but not use the legacy packet forwarder?

Sorry sir, may I ask if you have already connected the SX1302 with TTN using the legacy packet forwarder? If so, how do you set the “server_address” item in the file global.conf.

Hi Sir,

Thank for your feedback, we use the “”

Thanks a lot, and whether gateway_ID is related to MAC address or can it be obtained by running the program directly. :hugs:

We are trying to connect SX1302 gateway to TTN, it not be able connect if we not use the legacy packet forwarder.
Someone test it with TTN before?

it not be able connect if we not use the legacy packet forwarder

Indeed, pretty much all of the Semtech codebases require that you select “legacy packet forwarder” when registering.

To use another scheme, you’d need a gateway codebase specifically tailored to TTN; it’s not clear anyone has done that yet for the SX1302.

Part of the blame for that should rest with Semtech, as they have three slightly different sets of code split across six different repos doing essentially the same thing with slight variation, rather than one unified codebase with special cases for the hardware.

SX1301/1308, and its HAL repo
Pico GW, and its HAL repo, and its MCU firmware
SX1302, all-in-one

If you actually look in these the code is generally similar and customization patches can often apply with minimal manual intervention, but they are sadly maintained as distinct unconnected projects…