Hello everyone,
I am having some issues trying to recover the values from my devices saved in the storage integration. When the payload is decoded into a JSON format, where all the different values are strings, everything works like charm. However, if the values are floats or integers, when I try to get the last X minutes of data, the response is a 204, saying that there is nothing stored.
I wonder if this is normal or if I am doing something wrong when decoding my payload. When the values of the different objects of my JSON are floats, integers, strings (all mixed), I can recover the payload with MQTT, I can see the the payload in JSON format when I explore the uplink packet in the Data screen… everything is perfect, except that the packets are not stored in the integration. For that I have realised that I need to set each one of the values of the objects of the JSON as strings. Also, that storage only happens if ALL the values are passed as strings.
If my payload is decoded with this format, the storage integration let me recover the data (response 200):
"PA": "15.09",
"frameCounter": "229",
"sensorID": "123123123"
If my payload is decoded with this other format, the storage integration says there is no data (response 204):
"PA": 15.09,
"frameCounter": 229,
"sensorID": 123123123
Any help? I need the data as floats and integers, not as strings. I have seen the video of the set-up of the Storage Integration and the values recovered when running the test button are mixed, with integers etc. I don’t get why this is not working for me.
Thank you!