STMicroelectronics LRWAN2 Gateway

No the description is just a ‘useful’ human readable description. The Gateway ID for the device as shown in you original picture (below) and as I refe’d in original reply and the Gateway ID as registered in the TTN console (per my update in my last post above) need to match…that is how the TTN NS/Console identifies who sent the message and forwards to any apps and updates the consiole…if they dont match that would explain why it shows as not seeen - no matching ID based messages have ever been received even though TTN may have actually received them…it woud have dropped them as erroneous not knowing how to treat them :slight_smile: :frowning:

Hi Jeff,

I had already removed the first gateway so I created a new MAC address which in turn gave me a new GW ID: Same result…



Gateway ID



LRWAN2 Gateway


paddyronan Transfer ownership


not connected

Frequency Plan




Gateway Key



Last Seen

Received Messages

Transmitted Messages

Hi Jeff,
I just loaded the Loriot firmware and followed the instructions and I have the I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1 sending live data to the Cayenne hosting platform. At this point I am thinking it is a ThingsNetwork issue…

Hi @Jeff-UK & @cslorabox
Thanks for all your responses.
I have had the gateway and 2 nodes setup through Loriot since last week and apart from one of the devices going into sleep mode from time to time (I haven’t even looked at how to program them yet) communication looks good.
I really want to use The Things Network so I am going to persevere this week and see what i am doing wrong and try to get the gateway connected.

Thanks again,

Hi Paddy, the fact that it wasnt running on LoRiot before the TTN failure but now is ok suggests that the work done since - investigating/reseating hardware, reflashing Loriot F/w etc implies there was likely an underlying problem that the actions helped resolve. I would recommend re-trying the f/w build and config for TTN now you know the H/w is ok - possibly with a fresh download incase original corrupted, then follow steps carefully to see if you can get TTN up and running. Atleast you now know that if you have a problem with TTN again you can fall back to LoRiot and/or you have a debugged platform that you can start systematically working through to try and resolve the issue. Good Luck!

Hi Jeff,

Just as I got your message I clicked on the register gateway in The Things Network and like magic :slight_smile: I am connected. maybe there was a connection issue like you said but I am guessing human error at some point had a factor to play, :slight_smile:

Thanks again for your help and advice, it was much appreciated.

Kind regards,

Glad to hear it - welcome to the TTN GW owning community :slight_smile: :tada:

Ugh. I got all the way to the bottom, and the solution was magical. Drat…

I shall quintuple check my gateway I’d though.