Statistic / Livedata on the gateway

i m seeking a way to see all informations that cross my gateway on TTN , basically the same as the livedata seen on ttn.
I do not know how to find out the way to get these info .
target is to make statistic on each device that is using my gateway .
If you have any idea to get this in python !

Thanks in advance .

You can”t. You can attempt to create something based on the device address, however these addresses are not unique. So two or more devices can use the same device address. And over time OTAA devices that restart will get new addresses assigned.

What brand of gateways with what software are you using? Your options to get hold of the meta data (you won’t be able to access the unencrypted data and you should not store encrypted data as it does not belong to you) depends on the answer to these questions.

You can of course investigate the options TTN api provides to get hold of the data. There has been at least one topic on the subject on this forum. Including a link to Java code on GitHub.