Some dev kits for sale

I’ll clearing out and have found various kits which may be of some use to someone here:

  • 868MHz TTN UNO - new (old stock) in original packaging
  • 868MHz TTN UNO - new (old stock) in original packaging
  • 868MHz TTN NODE - new (old stock) in original packaging
  • 868MHz & 915MHz TTN UNOs - used, no packaging
  • 868MHz kit (RN2483 LoRaWAN module) - unused & unknown
  • LinkLabs LL-BST-8-868 8ch gateway. Was working fine when last used but not tested recently

Did have a TTN gateway too, but wifey says she may have thrown it in the bin! If I find it I’ll list that too.

I’ve put them all on eBay here: gadgeteer01 on eBay

All sold (to a TTN Forum member)

LOL, just need to teach him to code now …