[Solved] End nodes no more seen by application console

Hello everyone!
12 end nodes sent to my customers offices were seen correctly on 10/24/2019 as quiet close to the LoRa Gateway (Laird’s one) working as packet forwarder to my TTN.
They have been moved away at that date so no more seen by the gateway. It has been brought back close to the gateway today bu a strange behavior occurs, there are seen on the gateway traffic console (same device addresses) but not seen by the the application console!
Problem with the reset counter which has been incremented during almost 2 months without having been “seen” by the application ?

Thanks for your help!

A time span of two months does not tell us anything about the number of transmissions. What is the counter value in the TTN console device page and what does the gateway list when a packet is received?

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25644 seen by the gateway console today and last one seen on application side 2 months ago : 3330
I found a way to “solve” my issue: disabling the “frame counter checks” for each end-nodes make them visible again in the application console… Anyway thanks for your help!

The threshold is 16384 ‘lost’ packets so the theory nicely matches reality.

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