Simple way to extract data for non-techie?

I managed to get my data to TTN finally, and can see it on application data page without any problems. But I need to extract this data and use it on my website, (for real time GPS tracking) and as a non-techie I don’t know how to do it. I can also see my data at, but for a permanent URL page which I can link my website, the price is rather expensive considering the small scale of my project. Is there a way out?
Maybe I shouldn’t have used Lorawan from the beginning but simply Lora?

To start with your last question:

Why do you think that? It would have needed you to define some protocol yourself, implement that on both your node/end-device and some gateway-like device, implement some backend to handle the data and hopefully support multiple gateways, and so on. If you feel that’s easy, then I wonder if you explored what TTN Console can do for you.

That said: your post really does not provide enough (or: any) details to help you. Like to name just the obvious: what are you sending, what did you get into TTN, what did you try to use that data, where did you run into problems, what documentation did you use?

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Try MQTT and NodeRED. All messages into TTN are already published on MQTT, and are available using your application ID and EUI as the userid/password for the subscription.

There are TTN nodes available for NodeRED and you could host a public webpage at Bluemix for example, or at FRED. Every Raspberry Pi running the starter operating system also is running NodeRED - so if you have one then you’ll likely have NodeRED running already.

For showing real time information on a web page you’ll need to look for examples of websockets - again these can be created using NodeRED. OwnTracks is a great app for using GPS data for your own consumption on IOS or Android fed via MQTT.

Thank you for the information on simple Lora, I couldn’t imagine that it was so hard.
Coming to the rest of the question - I only have GPS coordinates sent to the TTN, the decoded payload is pure numbers, like “28.952791,41.028538”.
I read some of the linked documentation above, and thought that HTTP integration was the thing I needed, and so implemented the request bin integration following the how-to video.
But now learning that the request bin URL changes every two days, I am looking for another solution. (the project I am trying to implement is very low budget) What I am trying to do, is make a web page showing the location of the tracked object on Google Maps.
I had read about the MQTT as an alternative method, but knowing nothing about it I chose the simpler http integration I mentioned. I understand that by MQTT and other mediums, I can achieve the same goal, but I don’t know in how much time I can learn about it - if at all as a non-techie.
It would help me to know where to start at least, if that is the way I should follow.

Thanks for all the links and the info. I understand that NodeRED is the place where I should start?