Hello everyone, I am a noob. I am doing a first project using stm32f4 to communicate with mpu6050 and GPS, arduino Uno to communicate with sx1276 lora (I have successfully connected to the gateway and sent hello, word to TTN using ttn-otaa example). When I communicate uart between stm32 and arduino, after calling “char data;” the data displayed on the serial monitor is as follows
Ax = 0.811, Ay = 0.095, Az = -0.579 --------- Gx = -4.267, Gy = 1.840, Gz = -1.779
Time = 8:26:59 , Date = 200523.00000, latitude = 619.00608799931513 , longitude = 2088.7998520383617
Please help me how to send data to TTN