Of course I can write something that reads all devices from an application and sends a message to all those devices separately. But … is there a way to send a message that gets distributed to all devices that are connected to the application? I’ve tried with mqtt, but no luck so far.
but for Class A devices you would have to script something to downlink for each device - which could potentially destroy reception of uplinks in an area for some time.
What is the use case of needing to tell all the devices something at the same time?
I did not know of this multicast. Thanx for the tip. The idea is to use lora devices in a foxhunt. The group message is to be used for the start-signal and status-messages from the control-booth.
Sounds like a better match for Lora, LoRaWAN is more about device to central messaging. For what you want if you use LoRaWAN you need to use Class C (otherwise the signal might not get to the device in time) and multicast.