Send a LinkADRReq command to an end device

Recently, I acquired some nodes that operate on AU915. By default, the nodes are using all 64 channels to send JoinRequests. These 64 channels remain active for regular uplinks until the gateway instructs the node otherwise

I need these nodes to operate only on AU915, FSB2 (channels 8-15), ignoring the rest of the sub-bands

My knowledge of how to do this is limited. After some research, I understood that TTN sends a LinkADRReq to the node after the JoinRequest, which I think includes the channel mask that I set during the node registration.


To make this happen, I need to enable ADR as a dynamic mode (?)


However, after doing this, the nodes are connecting intermittently, missing many packets. These nodes should be connecting every 6 hours by default.


Is there a way to send a MAC command (LinkADRReq) manually from TTN, perhaps from the downlink section, to force the nodes to use only AU915 FSB2?


Do you have any suggestions on how I can set FSB2?

No. But the setup of channels is tightly bound to the ADR MAC commands, so it does make sense.

Fundamentally the OTAA Join Accept should tell the device what channels to use depending on regional parameters.

In practise for AU & US this will be largely driven by which stack is on your device - typically we’d set a channel mask in the firmware.

If you can tell us what the device is and confirm which firmware revision it has, some more detailed guidance may be available.