Search for node housing (IP67)


I’m searching for a manufacturer/supplier to purchase node housings like this:

or like this:

Any suggestions?

IIRC people like Hammond & OKW come to mind…also RS Components, Farnell, Digi-Key & Mouser et al have good ranges…at a price… then there is Aliexpress :wink:

Also have used some boxes from RAK for small nodes inc solar powered…

Have a look at SZOMK (, think you will find many of the cases incorporated by other companies into their range are available there. In small quantities you can buy these from Aliexpress.

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For enclosures I go to my local electrical supplies store, the sort of place domestic and commercial electricians get their kit from.

My local supplier is reasonably priced has a great selection of enclosures with different IP ratings, cable glands, base plates, brackets, hydrostatic vents etc.


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