SAMR34 downlink issues using different data rates

Hello, I’m new with LoRaWAN and I’m having issues with downlinks.I’m using a sam r34 xplained pro evaluation kit and a KONA Micro IoT Gateway. My configuration is according to the LoRaWAN 1.0.4 Specification. I use US902-928 MHz band.

My uplinks are working excellent with DR0-DR3, but my downlinks only work fine when I select DR0 for uplinks. I’m using RX1DROffset=0, so when I use DR0 for uplinks, the gateway and node use DR10 for downlinks. The issues start when I select DR1-DR3 for uplinks, when I do that, downlinks don´t work. So I think that the problem is DR11-DR13.


Here is an example when I use DR1 for uplinks and send a downlink, the message is never received and the gateway try to send it again and again.


Note: My receive_delay1 is 5s and receive_delay2 is 6s.

I suspect the problem is probably related to these parameters in the node:

/*NA Default Parameters Based on DataRate*/
/*rxWindowSize , maxPayloadSize0, maxPayloadSize1,rxWindowOffset,spreadingFactor,bandwidth,modulation*/
#define DR0_PARAMS_NA                             {18,11,0,-58,10,BW_125KHZ,MODULATION_LORA}
#define DR1_PARAMS_NA                             {5,53,0,6,9,BW_125KHZ,MODULATION_LORA}
#define DR2_PARAMS_NA                             {7,125,0,1,8,BW_125KHZ,MODULATION_LORA}
#define DR3_PARAMS_NA							{12,242,0,-2,7,BW_125KHZ,MODULATION_LORA}
#define DR4_PARAMS_NA                            {22,242,0,-4,8,BW_500KHZ,MODULATION_LORA}
#define DR5_PARAMS_NA                            {0,0,0,0,0,BW_UNDEFINED,MODULATION_LORA}
#define DR6_PARAMS_NA                            {0,0,0,0,0,BW_UNDEFINED,MODULATION_LORA}
#define DR7_PARAMS_NA                            {0,0,0,0,0,BW_UNDEFINED,MODULATION_LORA}
#define DR8_PARAMS_NA                            {35,53,0,-43,12,BW_500KHZ,MODULATION_LORA}
#define DR9_PARAMS_NA                            {7,129,0,6,11,BW_500KHZ,MODULATION_LORA}
#define DR10_PARAMS_NA                            {7,242,0,1,10,BW_500KHZ,MODULATION_LORA}
#define DR11_PARAMS_NA                            {12,242,0,-2,9,BW_500KHZ,MODULATION_LORA}
#define DR12_PARAMS_NA                            {22,242,0,-4,8,BW_500KHZ,MODULATION_LORA}
#define DR13_PARAMS_NA                            {42,242,0,-4,7,BW_500KHZ,MODULATION_LORA}

Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong? Thank you!