Rust driver for RN2483/RN2903

Hi all. Yesterday I released version 0.1.4 of the rn2xx3 driver crate for embedded Rust:

Docs can be found here:

So far the driver can connect to a network, transmit data and also configure some parameters like data rate or ADR. It also supports sleep mode. The current implementation status can be found here:

Thanks to the embedded-hal ecosystem, the driver is hardware independent and can be used both on a full operating system (e.g. Linux with linux-embedded-hal) and on microcontrollers like STM32. It works without any heap allocations.

I hope this can be useful to others as well. If you use the crate, I’d be happy about feedback :slight_smile:

Note: If you already know a little Rust and would like to dabble in embedded development with it, take a look at! If you’re new to rust, the best place to get started is

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