Hi all,
I’m looking at building out on a tool that I’ve developed that presents me with a UI to enable me to provision sensors around buildings quickly. Currently, I just report the RSSI back from each sensor and use this to give me a good idea of ‘signal strength’. Now I understand that RSSI and SnR play equally, however I’d like to convert the RSSI reading(s) into a bar-graph, much like the one on your smartphone for cellular signal. If I had 5 bars, where would it be best to map the RSSI values?
I got my inspiration from a Particle Electron (3G MCU) where they did their mapping like this. Obviously not correct for LoRaWAN as the Link Budget differs:
/* signal strength (u-Blox Sara U2 and G3 modules)
* 0: < -105 dBm
* 1: < -93 dBm
* 2: < -81 dBm
* 3: < -69 dBm
* 4: < - 57 dBm
* 5: >= -57 dBm