Hi, I have built up a single channel WeMos Lora Gateway while I am waiting for all the pieces of the official gateway to arrive.
Publishing “hello world” data with a Uno/Dragino shield, I can see that my test data appears in the GATEWAY TRAFFIC list at the Freq and SF each time I send it. But I can not get any data to come through as part of an APPLICATION. Is this still a limitation when using a single channel gateway?
Further testing I did, because I thought maybe the problem is the Router I am using, is that I can not ping all the Routers:
ttn.thingsconnected.net Request time out
thethings.meshed.com.au y - working
ttn.opennetworkinfrastructure.org y - working
asia-se.thethings.network Request time out
brazil.thethings.network Request time out
eu.thethings.network Request time out
us-west.thethings.network Request time out
Anybody else that had similar experiences?