Router for IN865

HI all:
I am facing some problem with IN865 ,as there is no router can be choosen with IN865 , so i use the ttn-router-asia-se for IN865 , as well as the choice in the router of applictaion.
But when i use the end-node ,i find some problem ,the device cannot join in the lora server successfully.
According the lorawan_regionla _parameters v1.0.3, the IN865 will join in th sever from DR0(SF12), the AS923 will join in the sever from DR2(SFF10).
So, i try to close the adr function and set the DR to 2.The device can be successfully connected to the network quickly.
This is the question , should i always disable the adr on TTN server when use IN865 ? I have tested on RXHF server , the device can work well ,no need close adr function ,all things are noraml .
Can you told me where is the mistake during my settings ,or guide me how to set the parameter when i want use IN865 on TTN server ,thanks !

Can somebody answer this question , i am facing the same probelm.