Reuse Application ID when creating a new app

Can an application ID be reused once the application is deleted?
I have a problem currently, where /api/v3/applications/{id}/ returns a Not Found response (which is good because the app was deleted), however, when trying to create an application with the same ID, I get a 409 Duplicate response. Is this intended behaviour to not reuse application IDs, and if so, is there a way to reactivate the app?

Application IDs as in the alphanumerical identifier can not be reused. As that is just a simple identifier in at TTN side not related to anything programmed in a node not being able to reuse it should not be an issue.
Why would you need to reactivate that particular application? Why is its ID so precious?

Indeed, application IDs cannot be reused immediately after being deleted. This has a technical background and prevents other users from potentially gaining access to data of deleted applications.

Out of curiosity, did you see the following modal when deleting the app:

It is notifying about this fact. I guess it was overlooked.

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Put a picture of a unicorn & a LOLcat on, that may help!