Rename a Gateway

How can I rename a GW in the console?
I cannot do that now in V3.

You can change gateway name in console…general settings…by don’t think you can change gateway id - is that what you mean? Think only option is delete and re-register…eui can be used again but not gw id. It may be possible via cli but doubt it (haven’t tried), perhaps Nick @descartes or Jac @kersing know?

Have several misnamed myself that I really should change some day! Usually use g-s3-testgwxxx- but in rush to set up during V2/V3 migration a few ended up as gs3-test… or other variants that I missed in hurry :wink: not critical but means not all listed in alphabetical/numerical order in gateway console view! - offends ocd tendencies :wink:

Your doubts are correct:

Gateway & Application IDs are the link in to the previous data for those entities so are blocked from reuse.

Maybe v4 will allow this to happen.

Yeh, its a pity in a way as around 10 of mine dont follow my usual pattern - some as was testing V3 early on and didnt stop to think about how to change, some mis-typed and of course the auto migrated TTIG’s all use the eui-58… as their GW ID’s so jars with my normal listing format



This is indeed something we’d like to address in a future major version of The Things Stack, but with the v2-v3 migration struggle still fresh in our memory, we don’t plan to make big breaking changes any time soon.

So for now, you can indeed change the name of your gateway quite easily, but changing the ID isn’t possible. You can however delete your gateway and re-register it with a different ID.

BTW: It’s the same story for applications, end devices, organizations and user accounts.

BTW(2): And the same story for moving end devices from one application to another.

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Please post text rather than screen shots :wink:

Why not delete and reinstate with the proper ID - with the CLI it could be done very quickly.

Don’t worry, the V4 in an in-joke for those aspiring to redesign TTS for you.

Docs say they can be recycled but can’t say I’ve tried.

I was just commenting on the “changing IDs”. Recycling IDs of entities is a different story, where indeed end device IDs can be recycled.

Would have done (its best practice after all!) but was away from PC on a mobile device that a) doesnt render TTN pages correctly (since last major website changes :frowning: ) and b) where swiping to capture the console text would not/could not just grab the ID’s but would have also grabbed not only the column of GW id’s but also the GW name, GW EUI, GW Status etc for each row, requiring very fiddly editing/extracting/redacting etc.

Easy on a PC but!..

Thats for the future - as I say not critical right now…other pressures on time! :thinking: Maybe I’ll let you show me the quick route sometime as you are the CLI jockey/jedi master :rofl: