Remove old gateway from TTN map

I did some test with a raspberry pi gateway and set it up on ttn’s server and it successfully showed on the ttn map.
Now I have removed the gateway from my console and it’s not running anymore.
I now have a multitech conduit instead. And on the TTN map site there is now 2 gateways. My old one is red and my new one is blue. But how do I remove the old one from the map ? I thought it would disappear when I removed the gateway in my console, but after allmost 3 weeks its still there but its red now and it will never be online again.
Do you guys know what do to ?

Hey nox1989,

After 30 days of inactivity will disappear ;).


Okey, then it will disappear soon.
thank you!

What use is it to keep deleted gateways on the map for 30 days after they have been deleted?

Images like below are not very useful.
(The red ones appear all deleted.)

The red apparently are all deleted