Reference for ttn-lw-cli, the command line tool

Outfaced by the long long list of multi-coloured entries to be seen here??

No worries, I’ve generated a tree view so you can drill down to the command you want and directly copy & paste the infos you need:

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Nice one :slight_smile:

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In your reference for the collaborators set subcommands (and may-be others) the -XXX-id is missing where XXX is main entity. So for gateways the --gateway-id is not listed. And for organizations the --organization-id is missing from the set page. In the TTN documentation these entries are listed in the main command ‘XXX collaborators’ as ‘The following flags are also available in sub-commands’, that probably causes you not to list them either, but as in your reference we’re looking at a different page per command it would be good if the information is available on page for the sub command as well imho.

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