Reference Error


what is a Reference Error?

Reference error

greet Roger

If you care to share what is on line 21 of your payload formatter we may be able to say.


i have no line 21, but im beginner i hope my payload script is right. This script is for a Adeunis pulse V2 EU. I found this script online by Adeunis.

(function (codec) {
* Pulse 0x46 (data) frame parser
var Pulse0x46Parser = /
* @class */ (function () {
function Pulse0x46Parser() {
this.deviceType = ‘pulse’;
this.frameCode = 0x46;
Pulse0x46Parser.prototype.parseFrame = function (payload, configuration, network) {
var appContent = { type: ‘0x46 Pulse data’ };
appContent[‘test123.’] = ‘counterValues: [Channel A, Channel B]’;
// Current indexes [Channel A, Channel B]
appContent[‘test1234.’] = [payload.readUInt32BE(2), payload.readUInt32BE(6)];
return appContent;
return Pulse0x46Parser;
codec.Pulse0x46Parser = Pulse0x46Parser;
})(codec || (codec = {}));

Is this the one that you have in the Uplink Payload Formatter?

How many lines do you have?

Have you looked at the documentation (linked bottom right of every console page)?

The script doesn’t have the function header or return structures required, which would cause it to not work at all - hence the reference error.

It appears to have test data embedded in it.

If you tell us the exact model & firmware revision of the device someone may have already created one or know where the payload formatter scripts are.


Adeunis pulse

We don’t really go for screen shots here - I can’t copy & paste any of the details in to Google and as a volunteer with a certain amount of dyslexia it’s not really very appealing trying to transcribe it.

There isn’t paid support, we need those asking for help to be pro-active.

Ok, sorry…


Name: Pulse V4 LoraWan EU863-870
Reference: ARF8230AAG
Network type: LoraWAN Europe
Network ID: 18B240000069B
APP version: 2.1.0
RTU version: 2.0.1