Raspberry Pi Gateway disconnect, reconnect, disconnect

Dear Sirs,

I have just upgraded a gateway from V2 to V3. It is a commercial unit – this one from IMST:

[Lite Gateway - Demonstration Platform for LoRa® Technology | IMST GmbH]

I used the instructions here:

[GitHub - bigjohnson/iC880A-SPI-basics-station: How install Semtech Basic Station LoRA packet forwarder on a Raspberry Pi with a Imst iC880A-SPI radio module and connect it to TTN v3]

Everything seems to be working, but in the TTN console I am seeing the gateway connecting, and then 10 seconds later disconnecting and then connecting again. This repeats indefinitely. Can anyone tell me if this is normal behaviour or am I missing something ?. I Also have a dragino LP8 connected and working, this gateway does not exhibit the same behaviour.


Dave Long

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