I have a RAK7204 too, given to me to debug/fix (was initially flashed with the wrong firmware).
It’s running on TTNv3 now, but not very well.
I enabled OTAA and ADR on the node, but I see a lot of downlinks, I think basically an ADR request for every uplink (uplink count is now 279, downlink count is 259)
The console logs a “Link ADR rejection received” message.
{ "name": "ns.mac.link_adr.answer.reject", "time": "2021-05-15T07:23:42.104557837Z", "identifiers": [ { "device_ids": { "device_id": "rak7204", "application_ids": { "application_id": "rak7204-bertrik" }, "dev_eui": "323833355F387902", "join_eui": "70B3D57ED003881B", "dev_addr": "260B940C" } } ], "data": { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/ttn.lorawan.v3.MACCommand.LinkADRAns", "data_rate_index_ack": true, "tx_power_index_ack": true }, "correlation_ids": [ "ns:uplink:01F5QEHKYET09JDE6Z7V8X3ZFY", "pba:conn:up:01F4S0S1VDKJV6PHSBWY4PYEWG", "pba:uplink:01F5QEHKXR80ESJWRY0VYZ5B2X", "rpc:/ttn.lorawan.v3.GsNs/HandleUplink:01F5QEHKYEFY3RY6G3390GDW0X" ], "origin": "ip-10-100-5-72.eu-west-1.compute.internal", "context": { "tenant-id": "CgN0dG4=" }, "visibility": { "rights": [ "RIGHT_APPLICATION_TRAFFIC_READ" ] }, "unique_id": "01F5QEHM4RDW9A913J8XS3ASSJ" }
I’m not completely sure what part of the message causes it to be marked as “ADR rejection”. Apparently data rate is ACKed, tx power is ACKed, then only perhaps the channel mask is not ACKed (this doesn’t become clear from the JSON interpretation).
I configured this node as a LoRaWAN version 1.0.2 device, according to
Further, I configured it as PHY v1.0.2 REV A (not completely sure about that) and frequency plan: SF9 for RX2 (recommended setting)
I will try to investigate what is happening exactly. Has anyone looked into this before?