I’m exploring LoRaWAN communication for remote monitoring of Off-grid Solar PV microgrids in Indian rural context (remote locations). Its an outdoor setting and moreover its a plateau region. I’ve the following questions, please help me with the same:
- Are there any authorized distributors in India from where we can source RAK 831 gateway module?
- Can we use Raspberry Pi 3 to setup the LoRaWAN gateway using RAK 831 gateway module? Or can we use advanced versions also, like Pi 3B+, Pi4?
- Given that my application is for outdoor environment and for a remote location, I’d like to use a high dBi antenna. What is the suggested dBi? I’ve come across this: https://store.rakwireless.com/products/fiber-glass-antenna?variant=27103006359652. Does this serve the purpose?
- I’d like to connect the WiFi dongle (external) to my gateway, and I’ve come across this: https://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B00416Q5KI/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_6?smid=A14CZOWI0VEHLG&psc=1. Does this serve the purpose?