Python TTN SDK


I am using python, and the python ttn module described here for my application.

I am sort of worried about the future of it, given that it is not python3 compatible. Does anyone have any recommendations? What would be the most similar and have a viable future? I need something that allows me to obtain my uplinked data and downlink to nodes. I would also like to have an easy transition path to Chirpstack should I be forced in that direction from a future project.

Many thanks for your time,

You are right to be worried about the future as the module has been deprecated for well over a year, did you notice:

The support and maintenance for this SDK has been discontinued, it is not recommended to use the SDK for new projects.

The easiest and future proof (and proffered) option to interface with TTN is to use MQTT. Python has excellent support for MQTT.
Take a look at the documentation and search the forum where excellent examples have been posted over time.

Oh, BTW, you don’t real expect the TTN community to provide you with hints on how to migrate to a private LoRaWAN instance do you? The community is about sharing and contributing, not going here to grab knowledge and then move away…

Thanks so much again for pointing me in the right direction. Yes, the text you had highlighted was what got me worried and prompted my question.

I think that TTN is great and have no interest in moving our 3 public-facing outdoor gateways away from TTN at all. TTN fits 95% of my LoraWAN needs. There are some narrow use cases for the alternatives, particularly when combined with the Australian context which has some liberal transmission rules when compared with the rest of the world.

Thanks again for taking the time,
All the best,