For those who are on a quest to find a solution to monitor their TTN gateway, this script might be a solution. It monitors a gateway and sends a status update on Twitter or Slack when the gateway goes down or comes back online.
It monitors a list of gateways, applications (via MQTT), and HTTP services and pushes all state to an InfluxDB. This can then be put into a grafana dashboard like this one:
Monitoring gateway great, but tweeting gateway status is spamming Twitter.
Too much spam on Twitter already like hobbyists tweeting temperature and humidity of their Raspberry Pi, companies tweeting bridge open/closed status spamming popular common hashtags, really?!
I don’t mind people using twitter for what they find useful. For some people that’s tweeting pictures of their food and telling everyone every single thing they do (or so it seems). For others it is tweeting the status of whatever. As long as I’m not forced to follow that I account I don’t mind.
For personal tweets that’s fine, as long as automated status messages are not used to spam popular hastags (which unfortunately can be frequently observed).
Examples of such spam:
Frequent automated tweets about bridge(s) being open or closed, using general hashtags like #thethingsnetwork, #IoT and many more which just causes a lot of spam in other people’s feeds.
Similar are numerous frequent tweets reporting temperature and humidity of whatever person’s Raspberry Pi from wherever, polluting the #raspberrypi hashtag.
Spamming a hashtag is similar to being forced to follow such a person. You don’t want to see such tweets but you get them because following some hashtag (not that person).
The issue with automated messages is that once setup they are automatically generated again and again. Hashtag abuse can happen unintentional (not thinking about the consequences) but the messages will be automatically sent without human intervention and without (re)consideration.