PubSub on Application Server - any info?

Best of all,

we are running succesfully the TTNv3 stack on our university colleges and all devices and gateways are registered smoothly uptil now.

Remains one question : what about that PubSub integration one can make besides the webhooks and the publicly available MQTT server ? This link does not mention a word about the functionality.

Any help would be appreciated as we are examining this feature for the near future.

I am using the HTTP(s) Web hook…Are you getting an error with the HTTP WebHook or MQTT? Both protocols are pretty solid from my experience. Other communications i feel could be added but I personally don’t see the value add yet…like CoAP.

The thing is, I want to use our TTN v3 application server as a mqtt client rather than an exposed mqtt broker. The PubSub feature available in v3 should do this, like mosquitto_pub or mosquitto_sub does.

In fact, we want to publish our data with mqtt to mqtts:// The latter claims that our mqtt client is not conform the mqtt standards. As a result, we can not do any publishing nor subscription on their platform.

In any way, thanks for the answer and we are still trying to solve this issue.

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Did they give any details about this? The MQTT client that The Things Stack uses is Paho (Eclipse Paho | The Eclipse Foundation), one of the most widely used MQTT clients that exist.

Thanks @htdvisser,
I will forward your answer to your Dutch collegues in Rotterdam. They are working on it and even want to contact you for a connector to their architecture.
We are still following up this case.

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