Public Lorawan Network Server Scalability

Hello , am trying to find how to scale lorawan network server to include 30K GWs and around 1M App if every user need a single App for home monitoring since i need to associate every home sensors with dedicated app , i have seen the peering and roaming with packet broker but this is not multiple private networks , this is a single public network operator , thanks in advance .

Could be an idea to describe the actual project, for instance what type of ‘home sensors’, what they are monitoring and how often ?

Is it a commercial project where by the homes are paying for the service ?

Which country ?

Put the Postgres & Redis on a failover cluster and then buy a license for an enterprise version of TTS.

You’ll need to think in terms of 4 members of support staff to provide the 24/7 coverage as humans get ill & go on holidays.

Do you know of any LNS’s that support 30K gateways? Do you know how many are on TTS CE?

Being a public LNS is the same as the private one, which is good because I think you mean you want to run your own LNS, not piggy back off TTS CE.

That’s not part of an LNS, it’s part of the application server and doing that is totally crazy, 1M pointless entries held in memory - just get the data out of the stack and split it up on your own servers.

As recommended above, far more useful answers can be given if we have more details. But TBH, if you have a project for 30K gateways & 1M sensors, then you have the funding for some serious consultancy - no one on here, if indeed there is anyone on here with that sort of scaling experience apart from TTI staff - is likely to explain it all to you for free.

If the numbers are back of the envelope beer fueled extrapolations, then really you want to worry about getting to 100 customers which will help you define the product better, then 1,000, then 10,000, all of which can be done on a Cloud instance where someone else provides the LNS expertise, leaving you to worry about gateway deployment, making devices & supporting customers.

After that, you will either lose traction / will to live OR you will get a metric-f-tonne of VC funding and you won’t need to ask such questions, you will get your minions to do that for you.

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That is a serious commercial project with serious failure risk, find a consultant with experience to help you or you are bound to make mistakes that bite you further down the road.

Does your large project require you to give users a service level agreement ?

If so thats a problem because there is no SLA for TTN …

Projects of this size are not for the community network. The community network is meant to support proof of concept (tens of sensors tops) and hobbyists. Not large scale (commercial) projects. TTI should not be paying for infrastructure where others make a profit by using it.
TTI offers commercial deployments with SLA. And those deployments can scale to the numbers mentioned.

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you are totally right , i think TTN have consultancy service i shall ask for a quote , appreciated ,

thanks a lot , very useful information , appreciated

Home users will pay for the initial smart home package at cost and then app subscription at low cost as well , package include CT sensors to monitor electricity at the meter side and at the home panel side every 1HR normal period and immediate if change higher than threshold pre-configured based on normal use feedback , additionally , we will have the water level and gas level sensors with 15min period and again immediate when it hits specific threshold … not real time and not critical .
moreover, the package include the air quality and door security and then tracking services will be available on demand at different payment plan , the country is Jordan and the operation and coverage will be funded by municipality and the utility companies and Gov as cooperation fund .