Problem with downlink scheduling: Scheduling conflict

Hello everyone,

I am testing some basic features with LoRaWAN devices & gateways. The system worked very well for the uplinks. But when I test the downlink with “Schedule downlink” function on The Things Network v3 (eu1), I always get the same issue with the message “failed to schedule on path virtual-testing-gateway-2@ttn” after one or two successfully downlink.

I wonder if this is the problem with the device or the gateway (I am testing my virtual gateway on NodeRED based on Semtech Packet Forwarder protocol version 1.4).

Another “stupid” question is where can I find the document about the JSON log on The Things Stack or The Things Network? I have the error log but I cannot understand the message or the code. Found some Getting Started document of TTNv3, but it’s only describe the format in general.

Many thanks and have a good day!


This is the full JSON log of the issue:

  "name": "",
  "time": "2022-05-07T01:21:55.073203242Z",
  "identifiers": [
      "device_ids": {
        "device_id": "furious-poker-chip1",
        "application_ids": {
          "application_id": "node-2g4-test"
      "device_ids": {
        "device_id": "furious-poker-chip1",
        "application_ids": {
          "application_id": "node-2g4-test"
        "dev_addr": "260B7AC6"
  "data": {
    "@type": "",
    "namespace": "pkg/gatewayserver",
    "name": "schedule",
    "message_format": "failed to schedule",
    "correlation_id": "c6c4ec117d8c4d159f6e95455e8b4e51",
    "code": 10,
    "details": [
        "@type": "",
        "path_errors": [
            "namespace": "pkg/gatewayserver",
            "name": "schedule_path",
            "message_format": "failed to schedule on path `{gateway_uid}`",
            "attributes": {
              "gateway_uid": "virtual-testing-gateway-2@ttn"
            "correlation_id": "39ae60aa6a7a483eb899724e4445564d",
            "cause": {
              "namespace": "pkg/gatewayserver/io",
              "name": "tx_schedule",
              "message_format": "failed to schedule",
              "correlation_id": "bb6055dd2ffe431dafa87d9dccf2fcf0",
              "code": 10,
              "details": [
                  "@type": "",
                  "path_errors": [
                      "namespace": "pkg/gatewayserver/io",
                      "name": "rx_window_schedule",
                      "message_format": "schedule in Rx window `{window}` failed",
                      "attributes": {
                        "window": 1
                      "correlation_id": "e6eee7ab13d643c5802a798b04f5defa",
                      "cause": {
                        "namespace": "pkg/gatewayserver/scheduling",
                        "name": "conflict",
                        "message_format": "scheduling conflict",
                        "correlation_id": "4b86b19ca5f5423bb01c5844411d6aee",
                        "code": 6
                      "code": 6
                      "namespace": "pkg/gatewayserver/io",
                      "name": "rx_window_schedule",
                      "message_format": "schedule in Rx window `{window}` failed",
                      "attributes": {
                        "window": 2
                      "correlation_id": "0e185761aa2e41dcb4cd77ab84373d36",
                      "cause": {
                        "namespace": "pkg/gatewayserver/scheduling",
                        "name": "conflict",
                        "message_format": "scheduling conflict",
                        "correlation_id": "44ccef7eed9d4be8a438334ece5cd77e",
                        "code": 6
                      "code": 6
            "code": 10,
            "details": [
                "@type": "",
                "path_errors": [
                    "namespace": "pkg/gatewayserver/io",
                    "name": "rx_window_schedule",
                    "message_format": "schedule in Rx window `{window}` failed",
                    "attributes": {
                      "window": 1
                    "correlation_id": "e6eee7ab13d643c5802a798b04f5defa",
                    "cause": {
                      "namespace": "pkg/gatewayserver/scheduling",
                      "name": "conflict",
                      "message_format": "scheduling conflict",
                      "correlation_id": "4b86b19ca5f5423bb01c5844411d6aee",
                      "code": 6
                    "code": 6
                    "namespace": "pkg/gatewayserver/io",
                    "name": "rx_window_schedule",
                    "message_format": "schedule in Rx window `{window}` failed",
                    "attributes": {
                      "window": 2
                    "correlation_id": "0e185761aa2e41dcb4cd77ab84373d36",
                    "cause": {
                      "namespace": "pkg/gatewayserver/scheduling",
                      "name": "conflict",
                      "message_format": "scheduling conflict",
                      "correlation_id": "44ccef7eed9d4be8a438334ece5cd77e",
                      "code": 6
                    "code": 6
  "correlation_ids": [
  "origin": "",
  "context": {
    "tenant-id": "CgN0dG4="
  "visibility": {
    "rights": [
  "unique_id": "01G2E1QRW141EQYZE6JHFTH8JN"

Please don’t use the community network for such tests. Spin up you own instance of the stack locally and ‘abuse’ that.

It looks like you are sending downlinks too often in a short time.

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My bad. I will do that! Thanks!