Problem - Some of my gateways are down since 3h30 (East Canada)

3 days ago, one of my gateways starts to not responding (Disconnected). Today since 3h30, I have 4 gateways not responding. The status page looks working as usual.

Anyone have this problem ?

Same here, although it’s for me. It’s been down since about that same time.

All of our gateways are down for 7hrs now

@KrishnaIyerEaswaran2 are you able to fix like the last time on July and March 19 ?

I have 12 gateways, all went down at 12:04pm pacific time today and all are still down… Help please!

my us based gateway went down at the same time (9hrs ago)

Once again for everyone: for operational issues please use Slack!
TTI staff does not closely follow the forum but they do monitor slack.

Search the forum for instructions on how to join TTN on slack.

I have been slack… For 12 hours…

Maybe someone should update the page bottom if Slack is a resource, or you could post a link to the actual information. How is any casual user supposed to know that Slack is used for operational issues?

Screen Shot 2020-02-18 at 07.14.52

We was on Slack since the beginning of the problem but without sign from TTN I decided to write here to see if the problem come here or for others also

Have you checked the TTN status page? It provides both the latest network status (manually updated) and the reference to the slack ops channel.

Regarding how you could know, by reading forum messages like everyone else. The subject comes up every month so plenty of references by now.

Keep in mind TTI employees need to sleep as well. AFAIK all operations staff is in Europe resulting in a delay when Europeans are asleep.

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I understand very well what you mean.
FYI, since 3-4 hours we have some downtime ~45 minutes long,