:pkg/auth/rights:no_application_rights (no rights for application xxxxx

I’m a new user who would like to test the application.
I made this call:
curl --location
–header ‘Authorization: Bearer NNSXS.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’
–header ‘Accept: text/event-stream’
–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’
–header ‘User-Agent: my-integration/my-integration-version’
–request POST
–data-raw ‘{

but I get this error:
“message”:“error:pkg/auth/rights:no_application_rights (no rights for application application@ttn)”,
“message_format”:“no rights for application {uid}”,

Where am I doing wrong?


You need to replace the word application with your actual application ID.

Sorry, I didn’t specify.
I replaced the name of my application in the example (also device-id) .
It is correct in the message


What rights have you assigned the API Key?

I found the problem, the API key was expired.
Thanks for the support.

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