Permision denied: NetworkServer did not set device

Hi there,

I have been testing some end applications and it has been working great so far.

But the seems to be a problem with my new node where I can’t seems to make it work. I get this error when trying to set the appkey.

Could not save device settings
permission denied: Broker did not set device: permision denied: NetworkServer did not set device: permision denied: No “devices” right to Application "be7c00000000000b

image for clarification


Hi @Vunkers, I may be on completely the wrong track here but the image in your posting does not appear to have valid values:
The description needs to an ascii string. I see nothing.
The Device EUI needs to be 16 hex digits. I see 8 hex digits.
The Application EUI needs to be 16 hex digits from the drop down list. I see 10 hex digits.
The App Key needs to be 32 hex digits. I see 20 hex digits.

The other possibility is that you are a collaborator and are not the application owner and you do not have permission to register devices.

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I deleted parts of the keys in the image and I am the owner of the application.

I have been testing further and the problem seems to be the application EUI. I tried some same values on other keys and only changing one digit of the Application EUI and it saves correctly.

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Any help?

Got the exact same problem here.


The app eui that the manufacturer provided was being used in annother ttn app.