Pb running the packet forwarder from Lora-net


I just started to work with lora, for the moment I have an endnode who send data to my network server, but now I want to send these data to the iot.semtech.cloud, so I need to install a packet forwarder in my gateway.
I follow this instruction : https://github.com/Lora-net/packet_forwarder/wiki/Use-with-Raspberry-Pi, enable spi driver, Compile SX1301 driver/HAL and packet_forwarder.
But when I want run the packet forwarder :

cd ~/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd


I have this :

lora@lora-iot-sk /opt/lora-net/gateway/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd $ ./lora_pkt_fwd
*** Beacon Packet Forwarder for Lora Gateway ***
Version: 4.0.1
*** Lora concentrator HAL library version info ***
Version: 5.0.1;

INFO: Little endian host
INFO: found local configuration file local_conf.json, parsing it
INFO: local_conf.json does not contain a JSON object named SX1301_conf

It’s stop here in the lora_pkt_fwd.c :

/* point to the gateway configuration object */
conf_obj = json_object_get_object(json_value_get_object(root_val), conf_obj_name);
if (conf_obj == NULL) {
MSG(“INFO: %s does not contain a JSON object named %s\n”, conf_file, conf_obj_name);
return -1;
} else {
MSG(“INFO: %s does contain a JSON object named %s, parsing SX1301 parameters\n”, conf_file, conf_obj_name);

  • Does anyone know why conf_obj == NULL ? Maybe I did something wrong with the update of local_conf and global_conf…

(Gateway : from the LoRa IoT starter pack (semtech) : SX1301 and my endnode it’s from St B-L072Z)

Than’s in advance,


you realise that you ask this question on the TTN forum ?

Yes, your community is very active (more than semtech), the packet_forwarder of ttn and semtech are very close. I was just wondering if this had ever happened to anyone on this forum …