Payload Conversion to Cayanne LPP

Hi *,

Im currently trying to send data to the cayenne Backend using the existing Cayenne integration in TTN.
Topic is that the Device is not natively sending in CayanneLPP-Format and i have no option to change it!

I’m able to decode the Payload and where trying to convert it to a cayenneLPP Payload, but the converter tells me that he is expecting an Object.

After decoding I have an array with the values like this:
“BattState”: 1,
“GPSAltitude”: 380,
“GPSHorizontalAccuracy”: 189.9,
“GPSLatitude”: 48777777,
“GPSLongitude”: 90000000,

So my idea was to put this together in on String like:

converted = “0188” + (decoded.GPSLongitude%1000) + (decoded.GPSLatitude%1000) + (decoded.Altitude);

But sure this is not an Object…
…but my question is how to from the Object that cayenne will accept it…


Then you are out of luck. The data transmitted to cayenne is the original data received from the node, not the decoded/modified payload,

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Hi Jac,

Thank you for your quick response…
Is there an Option sending the data via http (Rest) to the Cayenne backend?
I found some hints in the Internet That there is a http api, but I‘m nut sure of this is available Anemone…

The TTN mqtt Integration is a Server and Cayenne offenes also a Server…
…so i Wolldecke habe to run a Client to Connect the two Servers on my own.

Thanks and Best regards Michael