integration without additional server?

Good afternoon people of the things network!

I hope my post won’t be bothersome, considering I just got into IoT.

So the situation I’m currently finding myself in is that I’ve found a pretty nifty app called ‘Greenhauser’ on the iOS App Store. This app makes use of, which I’ve found out isn’t really common practice. OnlineDB is a JSON based database with ordinary HTTP post and get functionality and additional websocket support.

The goal is to achieve an integration that sends and stores my payload into this database, so I can make use off the app. The most plausible way I can imagine doing this is using their built-in websocket (which I know is not supported by TTS), to achieve efficient two-way communication. Does anyone know how I would go about doing that (preferably with a script e.g. JavaScript)?

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!


@dogefreak, thanks for flagging your own post, took me a few minutes to figure that one out.

It’s good to know you found a solution - it would be even better if you care to share that solution so the community can benefit.

Dear @descartes, thanks for your reply. What I ended up doing is creating a Python based MQTT broker that decodes the payload and sends it to the web socket of OnlineDB. The script is running on a RBPI, and is the best I could think of at the point of time.
If anyone wants a similar solution using TTSv3, feel free to take a look at my repo.