Offline Status on gateways page

Hi all,

3 out of 4 of my nodes shows Disconnected 20 hours ago (as of now). But inside, I can see receiving packets and gateways status. It just always shows offline. Tried rebooting and everything.

What is disconnected? The gateway or the end devices? Can you add screenshots with EUI/IDs redacted?

Same here. Console shows gateway disconnected, but receive and forward packets.

Are these UDP Gateways?

Yes, it’s a Dragino LPS8.

Alright. Can you send me the EUI of the gateway via a private message?

You got mail

So you’ve hit upon a weird edge case with UDP gateways and distributed systems.
The issue is that there are two sockets (upstream and downstream) for each gateway and in rare-cases, these can be handled via a different Gateway Server instances.
This causes the gateway connect time to not be stored properly in the stats registry.
We’ll work on a fix and get back to you on this.


We have exactly the same issue here with both Kerlink and The Things Outdoor Gateways. All 12 of our outdoor gateways are listed as Disconnected but curiously we also have an indoor Pico Next Gateway and that has no such issues…

We’ve deployed a patch that should fix this issue. Please confirm.

The connection status is displayed correctly again since:

2023-05-10T17:35:59 UTC

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