Obtaining EUI and onboarding

@kersing Hi , I have some doubts regarding This automate onboard end device using QR Code.
The tag content of the QR code :
SchemaID , DevEUI, JoinEUI and ProfileID

we are going to use only that STM32WLE5 Chip , In that chip where we get this information like all keys.

Now, my current doubt is where we can get these keys ? Is their stm32 chip providing or any other way is thier ?

Provide some information to regarding these keys ?

And one more thing ,for automate onboarding of end device , we can use any app application or anything to sacn and send data to network server ?

I’ve moved your post as it was somewhat tangential to the original topic because you needed to find somewhere to post rather than browsing / searching the forum & then starting you own topic.

Most of what you’ve put indicates some basic knowledge gaps - like where do EUI’s come from - not the chip BTW - you buy them.

So before you continue, please can you read the Learn section (linked top of this page) so you know how & where they are used.

As for the automating of onboarding, I’d strongly recommend looking at the tools available via the console & the CLI and the security model for considerations on creating a standalone app. The docs (linked on every console page) will assist.

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