Obtaining DevEUI from MicroChip Rn2903 module

We are trying to obtain the DevEUI from the MicroChip RN2903 module and not having any luck.

The device is not yet registered with TTN.

What methods can we try to get the DevEUI?

Thank you

Have you refered to the RN29/24xx Command Reference User Guide?

Believe it is should be something like mac get deveui

We tried the UART command but it came up with gibberish.

I wish i had a screenshot to show it.

Are you able to send/receive other commands/info that arent giggerish? If not that suggests UART settings incorrect! :wink: Just capture (copy/paste) the text from UART Serial console…use </> tool to format - dont paste pictures/screen grabs…

Don’t post gibberish - it won’t help - you’ll need to get the correct settings for your serial port so it shows technical gobble-gook. The help for your serial terminal program will probably guide you to set the settings for the module as detailed in its manual.