Not receiving any data to any app - digitalcatapult-uk-handler down

Hi all. We have stopped receiving any uplink data via MQTT across all our apps since 03:27am 11th June. Trying to access a device via the console is giving:

Error: Internal error: [Unavailable] Broker did not return device: unavailable: NetworkServer did not return device: unavailable: connection error: desc = “transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection timed out”

Gatways are still checking in with very recent “last seens” and we can still see the traffic over the gateway but nothing is reaching the app or any of our MQTT subscriptions.

A little surprised that no one else has reported this as it’s been an issue for over 24 hours now and I don’t understand how this is an issue that is just effecting us.

Please note this has also been posted to the slack #ops channel:

ah, I think this might be an issue with the digitalcatapult-uk-handler which we use for most of our apps, the apps that use ttn-handler-eu seem to be working fine.

Please don’t post the same thing in multiple places, or if you really must: please include cross references to avoid people are wasting time on something that may already have been suggested elsewhere.

That said, since you already posted the same on Slack’s #support channel: Slack’s #ops channel is the place for this.

Thanks. I have now moved to #ops.

According to Slack, this was fixed 3 hours ago.