No rights for application


I’m been using TTN or TTS for a while and it is the first time I see this problem.
image (The image is from Live data on the TTS console).

I have a few applications and this one is the only one with this problem. I have checked the APPEUI and the APPKEY, but it seems to be ok. If I clicked on the error message, they redirect me to DataFormats documentation (Data Formats | The Things Stack for LoRaWAN) but it doesn’t say anything about this error.

Could someone give me a hint?


The error message concerns MQTT so has nothing to do with APP-whatever.

Are you integrations still working and receiving data? If they do it might be someone else trying to connect to your application hoping to obtain data.

My integrations are working nice, but with the info that you gave I will check it tomorrow. Thank you Jac!

Hello Jac! I checked my integrations and all is working fine. Is there a way to check who is trying to connect to my TTS app?

There is only one API KEY and it’s been use for my website.

Nope. Anyone that knows/guesses the application name can attempt to connect.

Is it happening often? Or just a couple of times?

It is happening every 2 minutes.

That frequently could indicate an automatic retry from some software.

Did you use a different client at some point in the past that tries to reconnect? Or you could be using an application name that closely resembles one someone else picked and they made a mistake in their configuration.

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Hello Jac!

Thanks so much for your help. We resolved the problem. You were right, it was an old app, that we aren’t using anymore, whose API KEY was deleted, so it couldn’t connect to retrieve the data. I close the topic here!


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