I need your help in order to make a Lora32U4 V1.3 from BSFrance send information to TTN from Argentina, that uses AU915 band plan.
Lora32U4 lits red led always on, and terminal shows "EV_JOIN_TXCOMPLETE: no JoinAccept.
TTN end device status is “No recent activity”.
I have a RAK7249 gateway working beside me. I know It works because I can see messages from other nodes.
I am using Arduino IDE.
I had to use MCCI LoRa library becuase is mandatory for TTN V3 (according to my understanding I cannot use LMIC-Arduino any more).
However, if I set LMIC_DEBUG_LEVEL to 1, I run out of memory.
Seting LMIC_DEBUG_LEVEL to 0 sketch uses 92% only.
Hardware information:
Board: Lora32U4 V1.3 from BSFrance
jumpers: factory setting (DIO1:5 on, I did not change the jumper wiring)
Did you actually create a registration for this node?
I created an Application in TTN, and an end device also. Including Activation information (EUIs).
Anyway, is there a way to see if TTN is receiving and rejecting the joining request for any reason? This could be helpful in order to know that LoRa radio of the end device is working.
Why did you change SubBand?
Good point, but I tried 1 but I still get “no JoinAccept”.
I also changed SF7 to SF10 (line LMIC_setDrTxpow(DR_SF10,14)) with the same results.
What are some example frequencies on which your gateway’s logs indicate it has received packets from other nodes?
Good idea.
“settings” … “frequency”: “917400000”, “917800000”, “917600000”, “917000000”, “918200000”
TTN LoRaWAN information Frequency plan is AU_915_928_FSB_2.