No gateway in profile and no attributes in community map

A couple of days ago i setup my first lora gateway (Mikrotik wap lora8 kit). All went well and after a while the gateway showed up on de community map. The gateway is sending and receiving packages and works without a problem.
But, on the map all the attributes are missing: no name, location, brand etc. Also, in my profile i do not own a gateway. Did i something wrong?


Did you add your gateway to the new The Things Stack console? It seems that these gateways are neither shown on the community map nor on your public user profile.

Thank you, I think that is the answer. Indeed I added the gateway in The Things Stack console.
This moment the gateway is switched off because I am searching for a proper mounting place.
Now the gateway is not visible on the community map anymore.


When the GW is active again if you start mapping it using a TTN Mapper device/integration you should atleast see it start to appear there (as a blue circle with a white 3 inside) once the GW see’s hits from the mapping device and the Map has time to update… hopefully we will hear something from the TTI core team about the official TTN Maps (main site & community/country level map pages) sometime soon but may not be a priority as yet…

Started the gateway again about an hour ago. The gateway and a application is receiving data from a temperature/humidity sensor that I build. I do not see the gateway on the community map yet.
What do you mean by:

Do I need a gps tracker node that sends lon and lat data or does receiving packets from any node the job?


The TTS CE (TTN) community map is not yet operational.

No one’s v3 gateway appears on the ‘community map’.

So your gateway will not appear on the ‘community map’ until it is working.

If you follow the instructions for TTNMapper then your gateway will appear on the TTNMapper map. You do not need a device that sends GPS co-ordinates, you can use your smartphone to do that as an alternative.

If you do not follow the instructions for TTNMapper then your gateway will not appear on the TTNMapper map.

Ok, thank you. I will first read the docs. For me all this is new stuff.


You are not alone, for most of us the new things yet to be added to v3 are ‘new stuff’.

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