Hi everyone. I am a newbie on The Things Stack, but was able to use it for months without issues on my personal laptop and private network. I wanted to move the stack (already on V3) to a desktop, however, I cannot get any downlinks after testing on 2 different desktops. Also, two different gateways (Tektelic and ST) work on my first setup, and I am trying with the same node and gateways on the new setups, so the problem is definitely not related to the gateways or the node. In the terminal window I see:
INFO Finished unary call {"duration": 0.0017, "error": "error:pkg/redis:not_found (entity not found)", "error_correlation_id": "c6a2271b01414725b676b65534a7b8c6", "error_name": "not_found", "error_namespace": "pkg/redis", "grpc.method": "HandleUplink", "grpc.service": "ttn.lorawan.v3.GsNs", "grpc_code": "NotFound", "namespace": "grpc", "peer.address": "pipe", "request_id": "01FEYM0BNR1V9BF495W2Z33HND"}
I would appreciate any help to solve this error.
Edit: Same stack version, same Ubuntu version, same docker & docker-compose versions, same IPs on both working and not-working setups.
SOLVED: The problem was either APPEUI or APPKEY. I have renewed them and the problem was solved.