No Cyberman's Paxcounter connection to TTStack installed on TTGO

Hi forum,
first let me say HELLO and THX for any ideas in advanced.
I am a very newbie, first time here and trying to understand all
those interesting articles about LORAWAN:
At my very beginning with TTN V2 I was able to install all important datas
for handling a ttgo device with paxcounter and BME280 datas.
With V3 I have no idea what I am doing wrong?!?!?
No fault messages at all, no live data in my application at TTN stack.
Thx for any ideas .

What have you done/what have you tried, what library being used, how configured, OTAA or ABP? Which hardware version, can you capture device logs? (Post as text using </> not images). Old V2 was much more tolerant of non-compliant LoRaWAN implemetations where V3 has greater expectations so may not be a simple case of move registration info from old V2 to V3, however, without details we can only speculate :wink:

Hi Jeff-UK,

Many Thx for your fast response.
Puh…it’s difficult for me to handle your questions.
What I did: Flashing the cyberman54 Paxcounter stuff to my ttgov2.1new via platformio with all
these OTAA datas (EUIs). Thats it.
Where can I get any capture device datas from?
you see I am a very,very newbie… :sob :metal:

Best regards

thanks my issue has been fixed.

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