No connection to TTN

I have the problem that I cant connect to TTN3 over LAN. The logs arent very helpful…
I am in a conpany network. But if connect over the Gateway Acces Point the Internet is working fine…

Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: REPORT~ ################## Report at: 2024-06-03 09:27:26 UTC ##################
Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: REPORT~ ### [UPSTREAM] ###
Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: REPORT~ # RF packets received by concentrator: 0
Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: REPORT~ # CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00%
Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: REPORT~ # RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes)
Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: REPORT~ # PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 0 (0 bytes)
Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: REPORT~ # PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00%
Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: REPORT~ ### [DOWNSTREAM] ###
Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: REPORT~ # PULL_DATA sent: 1 (100.00% acknowledged)
Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: REPORT~ # PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes)
Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: REPORT~ # RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes)
Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: REPORT~ # TX errors: 0
Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: REPORT~ # BEACON queued: 0
Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: REPORT~ # BEACON sent so far: 0
Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: REPORT~ # BEACON rejected: 0
Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: REPORT~ ### [PPS] ###
Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: REPORT~ # SX1301 time (PPS): 182887594
Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: INFO: [jit] queue is empty
Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: INFO~ ### [GPS] ###
Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: INFO~ # GPS sync is disabled
Mon Jun  3 10:27:26 2024 lora_pkt_fwd[20640]: INFO~ ##### END #####

Which server (TTN) address is your GW pointed at? Which Packet Forwarder is it configured to run? If SMTC UDP is corporate network open for Port 1700? Otherwise are the appropriate ports open for TCP/IP traffic? Do you see anything on the TTN GW Console page?

The gateway address on the, erm, gateway is so totally wrong that it couldn’t be wronger. It’s hard to tell from the second screen shot what it should actually be.

Yes. So maybe? Gateway should be
And ip address of the device should be?be 10.130.1.something?

LoRaWAN is not IP based wrt nodes. They do not have/get assigned an IP address. Once joined to the network they are assigned a (non-exclusive) Dev Addr, but that requires that they are heard by the network with the Gateway correctly online……with its own ip address and talking to the LNS.

You need to look at your LAN Setting in image above and specifically the Gateway address(*)…… one would assume you have typed that in rather than being assigned under e.g. DHCP?

It also comes back to

“ Which server (TTN) address is your GW pointed at?”

(*) with tha gateway address discussed above being the local area network gateway address vs LoRaWAN gateway address……can get confusing….