I have developed a web app to manage sensors, actuators, cameras, and GPS. It works with TTN. It’s simple and easy to use —less powerful than others solutions like Home Assistant but maybe a better fit for someone project.
The app’s website is https://iot-assistant.github.io/
I have it running in a cheap Raspberry Pi Zero W https://iot-assistant.github.io/guides/running.html#run-on-raspberry
Currently I am using a TTN tracker device with it to receive Telegram notifications if the GPS leaves a certain perimeter.
I also developed some libraries and Arduino examples for sensors and GPS using TTN, it is available here https://iot-assistant.github.io/guides/arduino.html#main-content
sketch_DFRobot_UV_Sensor_Heltec_WiFiLora32V3_LORA.ino: UV Lora sensor using a Heltec WiFi Lora 32 V3 connected to UV sensor to publish UV Index every 10 minutes.
sketch_Gps_Heltec_WirelessTracker_Lora: Lora GPS using a Heltec Wireless Tracker publishing its position every 10 minutes.