I’m a verry newby in LoRaWan stuff. I started my experiences two weeks ago with my first Gateway, a RAK7268. I configured the Gateway to connect it to TTS. I can receive live data an I can see, that the connection is fine.
But in TTS I can not find any traffic from any nodes. - Maybe this is a stupid beginner question, but what do I have to do, to see the received traffic of the gateway in TTS?
Or what kind of settings do I have to adjust, to receive traffic in Germany.
So far I don’t own any personal nodes for testing, because I’ve just started with LoRa and TTS.
Maybe there are no nodes around you. I would recommend to buy a cheap node and make the first experiments.
Depending on where you are in DE, there are also local communities that can help you.
And - there is much to read and to understand! Take your time, install the gateway and nodes and have fun!
and thanks a lot for your advices an your help.
@wolfp Yes, the next step will be to start with own sensors and devices. On your profile information I could see that you are member of some german communities. Could you recommend a lora-community near to Bonn? (My long-term goal is to build an own little lora-weatherstation. Community experience would shurely help me on this way. )
Yes, i have blue status in TTN and I receive Live-Data
But I guess, like you see in the screenshot, it is allways the same content. I exept, that if the gateway would receive data from a device (like a temperature sensor), there must be another payload and content. - Is the right?
or just here. We try to answer all your questions and help you to get TTN up and running. But try to help yourself too. There are many questions already answered, use the search-engine for this forum.