I would like to introduce our new platform compatible with Arduino environment. Signo A0 LoRa - based on Atmel SAMD21 ARM Cortex M0+ processor clocked at 48 MHz (user has a wide range of possible clock speed depends on requirements).
Chip comes with 256K of FLASH (8x times more than the Atmega328 - eq. Arduino Pro Mini) and 32K of RAM (16x as much)!
At least there is no need to use USB-to Serial converter, SAMD21 has built-in USB. The simple and powerful solution for programming and debug capabilities.
The unique feature of three different powering capability. It can run on a 1.5V battery for several months!!
Product spec:
Small compact dimensions
ATSAMD21 with 3.3V logic/power
256KB of FLASH + 32KB of RAM
32768 Hz crystal for RTC
Arduino compatible
You also get 20 GPIO pins - for your own projects
Hardware support of Serial, I2C, SPI
DAC output
ADC inputs
4 mounting holes
2 LED diodes
Reset button
User button
PWM outputs
USB native support
SWD pins for hardware debugging
RFM95W on board LoRa transceiver
Power source:
DC-DC step-up converter,
USB power
direct power from LiPo battery
Software for LoRaWAN:
Arduino compatible - soon we will release plugins for Arduino IDE
It is a question geared towards the community, not for a commercial purpose. I notice a challenge to make devices fit inside the smallest space possible, lets say the smallest diameter drill hole. In your design I think it is only limited by the rfm95 and the battery.
Definitely, this will reduce size but as You mentioned, it could be costly. For most of the projects, size is not so important.
The current board has dimensions of 34mm x 75mm, so it’s enough small for hand soldering.