Hi Experts,
I have a Raspberry gateway working with a node and a application. All good.
Now I tried to build a new gateway using an ESP32 with a RFM95W using the Single Channel LoRaWAN Gateway (GitHub - things4u/ESP-1ch-Gateway: Version 6 of the single channel gateway) build.
I managed to configure all correctly and to load the software in the ESP32. The software runs smoothly and on the HTTP server of the gateway I see the node (that was tested and working with the Raspberry gateway) sending data and decoding it correctly.
On TTN I added the gateway and all looks great. The gateway is connected and receiving messages from the node.
However, the Application is not receiving the data Looks like TTN internally does not pass the payload to the application. Any thoughts?
Welcome to the forum.
Unfortunately, devices of that type are not supported as Gateways on TTN.
A reasonably priced supported Gateway is The Things Network Indoor Gateway.
Thank you @LoRaTracker . So I believe this is the reason why it would not work. For me was really a matter of DIY but I understand the reasons.
@LoRaTracker but myabe you know, can i use single channel with thing stack deployed localy?
If you really really know LoRaWAN really really well, probably. But we don’t talk about SCPF or Bruno on this forum.
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