I have been looking for a real “low cost” and “low power” development board, but a could not find any really affordable one.
So i decided to build one based on CMWX1ZZABZ Murata module. The board include a ultralowpower LDO a ufl connnector and a Lipo charger; all pins are exposed and the size is similar to the one of an Esp32 board.
Prototypes will be ready in a couple of weeks!
I want now to launch a funding campain to be able to order a sufficient number of boards and have a really competitive prive:
Anybody interested is invited to participate!
I have just received and tested first few prototype boards announced here https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/forum/t/low-cost-enddevice-development-board/23799!
The boards are performing well and i am ready to start crownfunding campain:
Few days more for coming soon discounts!
A good idea. And what about firmware and how it can be programmed?
we have similar product and it is opensource: https://github.com/SmartCAMPUSZCU/KETCube-mainBoard or you can buy it here: http://eshop.loratech.cz/index.php?id_product=55&controller=product&id_lang=1
. Also with extension boards: or: